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Biggest Stacks At End Of Day 1 In APT Da Nang Main Event

Jordan C

Jul 27, 2023

Lukasz Jankowski

Today we’ve had Days 1c and 1d play to completion, meaning we’re all set for Day 2 to start tomorrow. Late registration is open until the start of Day 2 tomorrow, but we’re going to be focusing on the biggest stacks from each Day 1 of the tournament.

Day 1a Chip Leader - Anuj Yadav 328,600

The chip leader from the first day of the APT Da Nang Main Event is India’s Anuj Yadav. Anuj had a relatively quiet opening day until the last few levels, where he went on an absolute tear and built a monster stack of 328,600 chips - more than 70,000 chips ahead of second place Pham Duy Anh.

Anuj won a big pot at the end of the day against the big stack of Petr Rudnev where he check-raised to 90,000 after a 21,500 bet from his opponent on a Q7483 board. Petr eventually found the fold and Anuj won a big pot to climb up to 280,000 chips. He would go on to win a few more pots to rise over the 325,000 mark.

Day 1b Chip Leader - Luong Duy Hieu 323,100

Vietnam’s Luong Duy Hieu had a similarly impressive Day 1, as he managed to amass over 320,000 chips and hold a strong lead over the second-place player on the day. Despite building such a big stack, Luong managed to do it without attracting the attention of the table-side reporters; so either he was quietly winning a lot of small pots and running over his table, or he was seated too far away for anyone to see!

He’ll be going into Day 2 just a few thousand chips behind Anuj, and will be hoping that he can turn this stack into a deep run.

Day 1c Chip Leader - Shyh Chyn Lim 236,700

Day 1c saw a drop in entries compared to Days 1a and 1b, likely because of the turbo Day 1d that was scheduled to start later in the day splitting the field. They still managed to attract 149 entries from 128 players, so there were still plenty of chips to be won!

The honour of the chip lead goes to  Malaysia’s Shyh Chyn Lim, who held a narrow chip lead at the end of Day 1c with 236,700 - just 10,000 more than William Bolton in second place. Lim is another player that didn’t attract much attention throughout the day, although he did win a nice pot after turning two pair against the top pair of Joshua Tan and calling his river check-raise on a board of 83TAK.

Day 1d Chip Leader - Lukasz Jankowski - 200,800

Day 1d was the smallest field of the tournament, with only 111 entries from 89 players, meaning that it was always going to be hard to amass a stack as large as those found in Days 1a and 1b. However, Lukasz Jankowski will be very happy with the work he’s done so far in this tournament. While he won’t be one of the biggest stacks on Day 2, he will have the pride of knowing that he finished Day 1d as the chip leader.

However, things didn’t look like they were going to go well, as Lukasz found himself out of the tournament when his rivered trip aces ran into the rivered flush of Chun Win Mak. To make matters worse, Mak tanked when facing the bet from his opponent, so Lukasz must have thought he was good, only to be shown the bad news.

Things went a lot better for him after re-entering and has put himself in a great position to make a deep run in this event.

APT Da Nang Main Event Day 1 Top Ten Chip Stacks

Before we start Day 2, let’s take a look at the biggest stacks at the end of Day 1.

Rank Player Country Chip Count
1 Anuj Yadav India 328,600
2 Luong Duy Hieu Vietnam 323,100
3 Hai Nam Hoang Vietnam 267,200
4 Pham Duy Anh Vietnam 251,400
5 Tran Tuan Anh Vietnam 249,100
6 Yongfu Dong China 238,200
7 Shyh Chyn Lim Malaysia 236,700
8 Quan Qiu China 232,000

Can any of our Day 1 chip leaders go on to win the tournament? Who do you want to see winning the APT Da Nang Main Event? Let us know on social media and stay tuned for all the latest poker news and events.

Image Source: The Asian Poker Tour (APT)

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